Resource items

Re-Distributed Manufacturing

Designer Rob Armes has produced three excellent videos on re-distributed manufacturing while working as a researcher at Cranfield University:
Re-imaging the future of UK Manufacture?,  How do we shift to Re-distributed Manufacture?,   Imagining the Future of the Toothbrush

Maker’s Row presents an innovative approach to supporting small-scale manufacturers in New York City that is helping to overcome some typical problems for start ups.

The Economist article ‘The Great Incubator’  is about manufacturing in London

There is a report form NESTA on  the South-West semiconductor industry

Solidwool is an example of a locally produced material that is bringing back manufacturing jobs to the area

The Foresight Government Office for Science has published several reports on the Future of Manufacturing, including What are the significant trends shaping technology relevant to manufacturing? Future of Manufacturing Project: Evidence Paper 6, and Future of manufacturing: a new era of opportunity and challenge for the UK

ASTM International (originally the American Society for Testing Materials) has launched a campaign to develop new standards that support additive manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, industrial biotechnology, nanotechnology, automation technology and other fields.

Engineering and Technology magazine take a look at the maker movement and the use of new technologies.

Stuart McMillen‘s long-form comics are inspired by social issues. Here is one titled Peak Oil

Circular Economy

The Green Alliance’s report on Employment and the Circular Economy investigates how improving resource efficiency in the UK could contribute to improving the labour market.

The European Environment Agency’s report Circular Economy in Europe investigates four dimensions of a circular economy: the concept and benefits; the main enabling factors and transition challenges; metrics for measuring progress; and contextual issues that would require attention from research or policy.

Resilience and Sustainability

In this article, inspired by the movement of open spaces in cities across the world and resilience theory [1], Shima Beigi argues that city and human resilience are tightly interlinked and it is possible to positively influence both through utilising the transformative power of open spaces in novel ways Cabot Blog

FCCR was created to provide a forum for the advancement of knowledge in the core areas of future city design, community resilience, urban SCM, smart city technologies and user engagement through experimental and creative methods such as Science Fiction Prototyping (SFP) and citizen science.

Institute of Civil Engineers Growing Cities and Building Resilience

Historical Information

James Throup’s articles on two of the largest sectors in Bristol’s history – aerospace and tobacco.

Local Information