22nd September 2016, WE CAN MAKE… re-imagining manufacturing in Bristol

[divider]You are warmly invited to WE CAN MAKE… re-imagining manufacturing in Bristol
6-8pm on Thursday 22nd September, Filwood Green Business Park.

Smart factories, digital fabrication technologies, new materials and changes in distribution networks are among the changes that have the potential to radically re-shaping who makes what, where and how. This event brings together which brings together leading thinkers, decision-makers, manufacturers, artists and makers to share and debate new research and ideas in manufacturing.

Who and what will be the impacts from these technological and social changes?
Will new technologies open up the opportunity of a more participative and localised approach to manufacturing?
How will novel technologies and social change translate into new business ideas and is there an appetite to finance these?
Will there be environmental benefits through repair, re-use and recycling of products and materials in a circular economy?
How should a city region, its citizens and institutions, respond to the manufacturing possibilities in a changing world?
Contributors include Bristol makers and manufacturers and

James Durie, Business West, Chair of Event.

Karin Smyth MP on supporting skills and jobs through re-localised manufacturing to create opportunities for all.

Chris McMahon, University of Bristol: sharing new research that tries to understand the reality of re-distributed manufacturing in Bristol and the South-West.

James Tooze, Royal College of Arts on makerspaces and rethinking the products and services we want and need.

Carolyn Hassan, Knowle West Media Centre: on creating pro-manufacturing communities than can make their own future.

The evening will also include an Open Studio, where you can meet some of the makers and manufacturers at Filwood Green Business Park, and enjoy locally made Polar Pop Ices.

You can book your free place at wecanmake.eventbrite.co.uk

We do hope you can join us.